News and Events

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This meeting took place online on the 18th Feb 2021. [Read more]

Loneliness, who should we look out for?

What factors are related to loneliness in middle and older aged people?  [Read more]

Catherine Calderwood and Andrew McIntosh laughing

Dr Catherine Calderwood,  [Read more]

Screenshot of pathfinder game

A card-swiping computer game to explore the complexities of Big Data research. < [Read more]

Child holding up paper chain people

In the future, doctors may use DNA tests to help them decide which medicine to prescribe. [Read more]

Four poles with coloured rings of stacked upon them.

A stacking rings activity to stimulate conversation around risk & resilience. [Read more]

Jeane Freeman shakes hands with Professor Andrew McIntosh and Professor Jonathan Seckl

Hosted by Professor Andrew McIntosh, the Cabinet Secretary met MRC researchers working on the MRC [Read more]

MRC logo

Nine leading universities from across the UK will be the recipients of multi-million-pound grants [Read more]

Brain showing wiring, with circuit diagram over the top of it.

Researchers at the Institute of Health and Wellbeing have been awarded £1m from the MRC [Read more]

A pile of confetti, where each piece is the 'big data'

Novel research aimed at better understanding mental health conditions such as depression  [Read more]

head with cogs coming out of it

The past year has seen major developments in our understanding of mental health, [Read more]

An image of a head showing the brain, overlaid with circuits and microchips

By Professor Danny Smith (University of Glasgow) [Read more]