Researchers in the Institute of Health and Wellbeing have been awarded £1m from the MRC Data Pathfinder Fund to enhance mental health data cohorts through linkage to health, education and administrative datasets.
These researchers will deliver an ambitious data pathfinder project as a first step towards a UK-wide Mental Health Platform.
Led by Professor Daniel Smith, Professor of Psychiatry in the Institute of Health and Wellbeing, the project will investigate the overlap between mental and physical health problems and will develop a programme of schools-based mental health research in Scotland.
Professor Smith commented:
“We are delighted with this MRC Data Pathfinder Award for Mental Health. It builds on the excellent infrastructure for data science research and data linkage capacity in Glasgow, and is a vote of confidence for our psychiatric research programme.”
Read more on their project website
Structure of Glasgow Pathfinder Project
[The University of Glasgow Mental Health Data Pathfinder Project is split into 2 sections:
- Primary and Secondary data linkage
- Mental health eCohorts.
Part 1 is split into
- A mental health cohort - Project 1, Psychosis Cohort
- A general population cohort - Project 2, Schools Health Research Network in Scotland
Part 2 is also split into 2 projects:
- Project 3: Neurodevelopmental disorders
- Project 4: Scotland-wide mental health disorders]